Some fun in Deer Trail. The local electrical service company told my parents they had to have a service upgrade to correct a code violation. The contractor they sent – Leo’s Electrical Service of Hugo, Colorado – provided a dozen new code violations that leave the home highly vulnerable to fire! Leo Hurtado did the work without a permit, and didn’t get an inspection before turning the electricity back on – violations themselves.
Leo’s Electrical Services did a crap job. I hope people look the guy up on Google and get this review, because I can’t say enough about the mess he left. My brother is going to have to tear it all out and do it again, after Leo’s Electrical Services charged my elderly, invalid parents nearly $3,000.
He cut all kinds of corners. He put a green wire not suitable to the task into the role of grounded conductor. Then he taped over the green with white tape, to make it look like the right kind of cable. He left the ground pole unprotected. You know, the one that protects your family from taking 20,000 volts should anything go wrong in the system, like poor connections – which he left too, when he didn’t screw things down tight. He used tiny little boxes for the wires, tiny 3/4-inch conduits, and put no fewer than 19 cables through them. He used inappropriate wires for the oven/stove breaker. He left the box exposed to the elements. Water in an electrical box!!! And he didn’t write anything on the labels in the circuit box. When we asked him why he said, “Well, you can just turn one off and then go in the house and see what doesn’t work.” Yeah, my stepdad in his wheelchair, my mom in her walker and nightie. Great job!
I know this is a bit off-topic for my regular posts, but I want him to have a bad presence on the Web. He’s a jerk who rips off old people because he can. I hope he loses his license.
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