It’s silly that I haven’t been to Hammamet – it’s only an hour from Tunis. It’s a resort town, with a historic medina downtown and beautiful beach hotels along the seaside.

So peaceful! The crowds in summer are apparently epic. But we were nearly alone. There was the German guy with his oldster dachshund and his book and scarf; the folks from the Embassy; a couple odd small groups; and us. We were about fifteen people, most of whom were young teens and who disappeared to wherever young teens go when let off the leash. On occasion we’d see one of them zoom by on a skateboard, or cannonball into one of the pools, but that was it.
All us adulters went to the restaurant and hung out. It was so relaxing! And almost entirely empty.

The buffet was great, once you got over the fact that the folks cooking and serving are fasting for Ramadan. But they couldn’t have been nicer – especially considering they must have been ravenous. We sat in the all-but-empty patio for hours, just relaxing and talking and laughing. Maybe a little drinking. Part of your hotel cost includes a 20-minute massage and mine was the best I’ve had so far in Tunisia – plus she had no clients after me, so she did nearly an hour. If you go to Les Orangers in Hammamet, ask for Videya.
We took a ramble through the medina and the fortress. Great views over the bay!

The mermaids in the statue below were handing out poppy… so they knew how to bring a sailor down, that’s for sure.

Blue and white medina, plus fish paintings

Here’s one you don’t see every day: Ramon with a dog on a leash. And he’s smiling about it!

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