Baby’s first colonoscopy
Notice: if you have to do this, make it yours. I certainly whined very recognizably throughout the prep process!
What about the pears?
The before and after of a house fire. Thank goodness there's an after! All is well. But check your smoke alarms - NOW!
Alaska never disappoints
Alaska never disappoints. For me it's family, it's adventure, it's big animals, it's heavy food and heavier boots. This time I introduced it to Ramon. Memorable week: August 2021.
Trees and cicadas. Tree-cadas.
A quick bike trip to the U.S. National Arboretum. Conifers and cicadas for your viewing pleasure. Hope you like them!
Fifteen minutes for full potency
Back In the Family. Ten magical days speaking in familect, walking the neighborhood, talking trash/ playing poker (interchangeable), eating home cooked meals, White Castles and a multi-meat meal at Salt and Smoke