Vote… any way you can!
Debunking Trump's claims about vote fraud. He's acting in bad faith and against the country's best interests. Citizens, VOTE!
July letters
Still pulling out these letters, that feel old and creaky even though they’re not long ago. I’m fascinated by how my perspective changes and I don’t even notice it. As cases start to rise...
Feeling cheffy
What makes you feel cheffy? What tasks in the kitchen seem like "real chef" things to do, and make you feel like you've upped your game? Here are mine.
The letters continue – June edition
Letters from June, after the lockdown had more or less ended in Tunisia but the rest of the world was (is) still going crazy.
May letters
Letters from May. Snips from letters I write to friends and family - a different look at lockdown under the pandemic.
Foolish letters
Long letters to family and friend, cut down into bite-size nuggets for your dipping pleasure. These are from April, 2020.