[Versión en español] Eating well in Amman can cost you a lot, or it can cost you a little. There are falafel shops everywhere, and even in the humblest of them, they take falafel...
[Click here for the version in English] Comer bien en Amman, Jordania, te puede costar mucho, o muy, pero que muy poco. Hay puestos de falafel por todos lados, e incluso en los puestos...
A list of gerunds I found myself doing mentally, while meditating. I’m supposed to be breathing and feeling the breath, and that’s all, but I found a few other ways to pass the time....
Zero moment: that minuscule space in time before you do something that changes you forever. I’m a writer, and I think of myself as always having been one. But it’s not true. I have...
Featured pic from Mitchell Lawler on Unsplash Goalposts – goals – get it? The start of a year is an appropriate, if imperfect, time for looking at your goals and urging yourself forward. I...
I came across a blog post today on the Brevity site, by Allison K. Williams, asking about one’s writing year: what did you manage to accomplish? The novelty was the positive angle: not what did...