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Stage actor and part-time hairdresser Nathalie Qadir befriends three polite young Muslim men in her immigrant neighborhood in London; they fill a hole in her heart where her brother once was. She doesn’t realize...

Aspects of Mom

Some of the different ways I saw my mom during my time with her in Deer Trail: Motherly Mom. Looking at the three of us with pride, beaming, telling us in so many words...

Summoned by the General

Well over a hundred data collectors are bouncing around the Colombian countryside, working on surveying over 20,000 households for the evaluation I’m working on. Twenty of them got stopped yesterday in a remote county...

Back from Kaintuck – with the Moron Brothers!

Kyna, Dad and I went to Kentucky. You can’t go to Kentucky without seeing horses:   This one is a stallion that is rented out for his… prowess. If you know what I mean....

Working, working, working

I read an old article by Oliver Sacks yesterday, about the Sabbath and keeping it holy. He was raised Orthodox in the Jewish faith and the Sabbath was really the Sabbath. In Washington DC...

Persian cuisine, and a domestic shorthair cat

I’m thinking about my friend Shane today, so I’m going to write about food. I had an amazing meal last weekend with a nice new friend here in Bogota, Raha. Here she is explaining...