—***— The bombers. Still the dissonance rings in my ears like Anglican church bells in my neighbourhood full of Muslim immigrants. They were boys, sweet and dear and polite, and they got haircuts in...
Here’s an idea, for all my thirty- and forty-something friends out there. Get long term care (LTC) insurance. You think I’m nuts? You think it’s a weird thing? I’m watching family and friends needing...
“What did you find?” asked my boss, who I called Pastey, for being as white as cod and half as interesting. His real name was Leslie, or ‘Les. I found that quite fitting as...
You may have noticed I’ve been blog silent for a few months. I was finishing… This. My novel. It’s ready for agenting, and I’m gearing up for that. I’d love to hear your comments...
This week has been absolutely tremendous. I’m serious. I know from big scary mountainloads of work, and this week qualifies. I am responsible for three evaluations starting all at once. For the third one,...