Ooooh, if good wishes made a difference… and it turns out they do. I got GREAT advice from friends far and wide on my “Boohoo, I’m homesick” post last week. Amazing folks with great...
I’m not on the move anymore – my home is here in Bogota. I don’t know if I can convey how weird that is. In point of fact, I’m not sure I’m entirely in...
Facatativa, or Faca, is where I went last weekend. The lady who gave me a facial has a sister-in-law who is really into bicycling and they invited me up for the day. It’s an...
A lot has happened in the past three weeks, since last I posted. I flew to DC, and saw Kyna before she headed to an out-of-town conference. She wanted my help in thinking about...
I got the apartment I wanted in Bogota. It’s so lovely. It’s light and airy like being in a plane or on a boat, navigating the city from the seventeenth floor. This is the...
My first week in Bogota ended last Sunday with a spin through the city – on Sundays, the city closes down many major avenues and they fill up with people on bikes, people on...