Lauren’s coming! Lauren’s coming!!!
Today, tonight, my dear niece Lauren arrives in Bogota. She is probably just getting on the plane in Houston as I write. I’m so excited! Fully chuffed! Still have NO plans on where to...
There is no “i” in team!
This week has been absolutely tremendous. I’m serious. I know from big scary mountainloads of work, and this week qualifies. I am responsible for three evaluations starting all at once. For the third one,...
Back to Pak
Yes, of course, very busy, blah blah blah; however, I have been making a roundhouse effort NOT to work too much or spend too much time in front of the computer. I’ve just gotten...
Kabul Confidential
Oh, yeah, right, like I have anything interesting to report from Kabul. If I want to be important, daring, bold, or devil-may-care, everyone else here has long since beaten me to it. There’s an...