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Zero moment

Zero moment: that minuscule space in time before you do something that changes you forever. I’m a writer, and I think of myself as always having been one. But it’s not true. I have...
Photo by pan xiaozhen on Unsplash

On a roll with NaNoWriMo: 30,205 words, and counting.

The story: a crazy invention from my beloved niece, about family. Not our family, but a family. Each person has their weaknesses and strengths, or “struggles” and “abilities”. As debilitating as their struggles are,...

It’s National Novel Writing Month again!

Calling all creative minds… Let’s novel! National Novel Writing Month is about to begin. This annual event pits you against your inner editor (troublesome fellow: more on him below) to write 50,000 words –...

Bring me that ol’ NaNoWriMo talent, any day

From an interview with a literary agent in the fascinating online magazine Guernica, about the agent’s beliefs about talent. He says he means to provoke with the following statement: “I frankly think that initiatives like...

NaNoWriMo – Second novel in the Spy Act series

I finished my novel!   I wrote over 50,000 words in the month of November, on a novel I haven’t named yet. It’s the second in a series – a fantastic spy novel. Here’s...